Leicester's Health, Care and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2027
In order for this strategy to be implemented effectively, engagement with partners is key
A variety of partnership groups and boards, community organisations and groups, and other sources have informed our ambitions for Leicester’s Health, Care and Wellbeing Strategy. Initial engagement, consultation and research for the strategy took place in 2019 when the previous version of the strategy was published.
We have also incorporated what people have told us about their health and wellbeing in other engagement and consultation exercises such as:
Building Better Hospitals
Step Up to Great Mental Health
primary care engagement
and a range of COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination engagement and insights work.
More recently and to compliment what people have told us already, the strategy has also been the focus of an engagement process to ensure that our existing strategy and new priorities are aligned and continue to reflect views of the people of Leicester. The priorities were considered in a series of engagement events and opportunities in 2021 to 2022 including a public engagement event which collected views online from November 2021 to January 2022.