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Love Clean Streets

Have you spotted an environmental issue and wish to report it? Take a photo and report it using our Love Clean Streets app or website. It’s free and simple to use and your problem can be logged in seconds.

What can I report?

You can use the app or website to report the following types of issues:

  • Cleansing issues (such as fly-tipping, graffiti, litter or dog fouling)
  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Highways issues (such as potholes, problems with pavements, footpaths, verges or cycleways, street lighting or traffic light issues)
  • Illegal parking
  • Problems in parks and open spaces or play areas
  • Overgrown grass or shrubs, or a tree issue

How does it work?

  1. Report it - Take a picture of the problem and upload it using the app/website. You can tag the location and include other details so we can fix the issue quickly.
  2. Fix it - When you submit your report the details and picture will be sent to the right team who can fix the problem. 

Report it online

Report issues through the Love Clean Streets website or use the links below to download the app to your device.

Download the app

Download the 'Love Clean Streets' app for free from the following app stores: