Housing help for people with mental illness or impairment

If you have a mental illness or impairment, and are threatened with homelessness, we may be able to provide help and support.
Get help early
If you contact our Housing Options Service for help, we will make sure your housing problems are identified early to hopefully prevent you from becoming homeless. The earlier you come to us, the better.
If you are suffering from a mental illness or impairment, we may accept that you are vulnerable and therefore in “priority need” for accommodation. This will be determined by your personal circumstance and the officer assessing your application will collect information from health professionals before reaching a decision.
Even if you are not in priority need, we can help you by creating a Personalised Housing Plan for you. It will have actions for you and the officer to complete that will help give you the best chance of avoiding homelessness and finding a home.
We will make sure that your mental health is taken into account. If you need housing advice assistance and support with your housing needs, please contact our Housing Options Service.
Other help
There are a range of services for people with mental health difficulties who find themselves homeless:
- ReThink can offer expert, accredited advice and information to anyone affected by mental health problems on everything from treatment and care, to benefits and employment rights.
- Mind can offer supportive and reliable information, and confidential help about mental health related law.
- Turning Point is a national health and social care provider who can offer individual support for mental health concerns, learning disabilities, drug or alcohol issues, or if you are looking for an employment solution.
- If you are struggling right now and would like someone to listen, you can call the Samaritans on 116 123.
Help finding housing in the private rented sector
The Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme is aimed at helping single customers and childless couples in finding a bedsit or 1-bed flat. This is done by offering a guarantee for the deposit to landlords so you don’t have to find the money for this.
It is only available to customers facing homelessness who have a local connection to Leicester city.
As the customer, you would need find a suitable place that you can afford. This means the rent must be the same or less than the amount of Housing Benefit / Local Housing Allowance you can get. If you do not how much you can get you can contact the Housing Benefit Service to find out.
Once you have found a place you can contact the Housing Options Service and we will talk to the landlord on your behalf and try to convince them to accept the scheme and rent the property to you.
Apply for a council or housing association home
As a longer-term alternative option, you could also think about applying for a council home or a housing association home. Please complete an online housing application.