Equality action plan
Priority 1: Design, commission and deliver services that are accessible, inclusive and responsive to the needs of people and communities in Leicester
Staff working in roles leading service change and developing new services have a good understanding of equalities and the equality impact assessment (EIA) process
Targeted delivery of EIA workshops to Service Areas
Lead service area
Equalities team
How will we measure success?
EIA workshops delivered to all staff in a variety of service areas. Follow-up with service area to see how knowledge has been applied as part of EIA and mitigating actions report. Complete an evaluation of workshops and EIA and report logs and report to CMT.
Frontline staff and new staff have a better understanding of equality and how it is relevant in their job roles
Targeted delivery of Equality briefings to staff in service areas to complement the e-learning offer.
Lead service area
Equalities team
How will we measure success?
Equality briefings delivered to all staff in a variety of service areas. Follow-up with service area to see how knowledge has been applied.
The organisation and senior leaders have a robust and consistent understanding of the Public Sector Equality Duty and what this means/ looks like in practise and in the context of decision making
- Continue to deliver a targeted programme of EIA workshops
- EIA template to be reviewed in line with feedback obtained from EIA workshops.
- EIA workshops streamlined to a shorter session to be more accessible for staff.
- EIA workshop for directors, decision makers and Members to be delivered to the corporate management team, CMB and senior management teams ad hoc as required.
- Ensure the EIA captures new Armed Forces Covenant legislation when it comes into effect, making sure the authority gives appropriate due regard.
Lead service area
- Equalities team
- Decision makers including senior officers and political leadership
How will we measure success?
EIA template amended in line with feedback from equality impact assessment workshop sessions. EIA workshops delivered to the executive, elected members as part of the development programme and the corporate management team.
Communications are circulated across the organisation on the Armed Forces Covenant legislation.
The organisation has a robust approach to equalities in the work relating to future savings opportunities and in the subsequent scoping and implementation of any agreed opportunities
The Fundamental Budget Review consider equalities implications at an early stage.
Work with Senior Directors to input and review equalities implications as proposals are considered.
Lead service area
Equalities team
How will we measure success?
EIA's completed throughout the budget setting processes.
Good communication maintained with CMT and Finance about the impact of Equalities as proposals progress.
The 'city listening' project has improved our understanding of the barriers to achievement faced by women, particularly those who are more likely to be disadvantaged or marginalised, in contemporary Leicester. Community capacity and resilience is improved and the findings from the project have been used to inform the Building a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce Action Plan
Delivery and evaluation of the City Listening Project.
Consider understanding and learning of issues impacting on women during the coronavirus pandemic.
Work with Neighbourhood Services to review local recommendations during 2022.
Lead service area
- Organisational Development
- HR
- Neighbourhood Services
- Equalities Team
How will we measure success?
The project has been delivered and the evaluation and findings have been reported to the Government Equalities Office and LCC's senior and political leadership. Findings from the project have been used to inform the Building a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce Action Plan 2021.
The organisation has a more robust understanding of how to undertake equality monitoring and how to use equality monitoring information to improve services
Raise awareness of the guidance in place. Embed equality monitoring into the Service Analysis and Improvement standards. Deliver sessions on equality monitoring to areas where further support is required. Develop equality monitoring into the KLOEs used to review how services are performing and consider KPIs to assess service performance in terms of how accessible, inclusive and responsive services are and to support them to identify areas for improvement from an equalities perspective.
Lead service area
- Service Analysis and Improvement
- Equalities Team
How will we measure success?
Raise awareness of the guidance in place. Embed equality monitoring into the Service Analysis and Improvement standards. Deliver sessions on equality monitoring to areas where further support is required. Develop equality monitoring into the KLOEs used to review how services are performing and consider KPIs to assess service performance in terms of how accessible, inclusive and responsive services are and to support them to identify areas for improvement from an equalities perspective.
We have a joined up approach with other organisations on initiatives that might be similar and share and learn from good practice
Attend Leicestershire Equality Forum and the NHS EDI Taskforce as appropriate and share information and learning.
Regularly keep track of initiatives and complete horizon scanning of equalities events and policies from other areas.
Lead service area
Equalities team
How will we measure success?
Equalities Team attend meetings and events and are aware of different initiatives across LLR.
Robust networking mechanisms in place.
Priority 2: Raise awareness of equalities issues and tackle prejudices, both internally and externally
We have continued to build upon our work to increase awareness of disabilities and, in particular, hidden disabilities including mental health conditions
Pilot a lived experience panel event to provide an opportunity for staff to increase their awareness of hidden disabilities and the support mechanisms available at the Council.
Lead service area
- Equalities Team
- HR
- Employee Groups
How will we measure success?
Lived experience panel and workshop on council support mechanisms has been delivered and evaluated for impact.
We continue to build upon our pilot 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' event by delivering training to build the capacity of volunteers to speak and story tell with impact. We expand upon the success of the pilot event by holding a further event, growing the number of volunteers we can call upon and exploring ways of better promoting the event to staff
Hold another 'Don't judge a book by it's cover event' Deliver or commission training/ development to volunteers to speak and story tell with impact
Lead service area
- Equalities Team
- HR
- Employee Groups
How will we measure success?
Event delivered and evaluated, increased awareness of and attendance at event, increase in number of volunteers involved, event evaluation and evaluation of impact. Consideration as to how this might then be expanded to include VCS organisations.
The organisation demonstrates its commitment to LGBT+ equality and progresses its work to support this
As well as action 4b around A2W and ensuring consideration through the New Ways of Working Programme, consider a further programme of work to ensure disabled employees are well supported and help raise awareness of disabilities across the organisation.
Do a baseline research of work done across the council to support disabled employees which will help inform of any gaps or areas of good practice which may inform future work around disability.
Lead service area
- Equalities Team
- Disabled Employees Group
How will we measure success?
Greater presence of Council staff and leaders at Pride Events. LGBT+ Employee Network are empowered to be more involved in the process of developing the Council's understanding of related issues. A programme of work is put together to raise greater awareness and better understanding of LGBT+ communities.
The organisation demonstrates its commitment to equality issues and events and progresses its work to support this
Develop a comms plan to respond to awareness days/events which focuses both internally and externally. A programme of work is developed to ensure support and awareness is raised across all protected characteristics. Ensure CMB is informed and work is led by the Lead Member.
Lead service area
- Equalities Team
- Communications
- Employee Groups
How will we measure success?
Greater understanding of equality issues across the council and better presence of Council support to awareness days/events such as International Women's Day.
The organisation demonstrates its commitment to equality issues and events and progresses its work to support this
Targeted delivery of EIA workshops to Service Areas
Lead service area
Equalities team
How will we measure success?
Greater understanding of disabled issues across the council and the Disabled Employee Group and all disabled employees feel empowered to raise issues across the council.
A programme of work is put together to raise greater awareness and better understanding of disabilities.
Priority 3: Attract, recruit, retain and progress a diverse range of employees in a culture which celebrates diversity and inclusion
HR and Corporate policy supports and encourages a culture to allow a diverse range of employees to thrive and be representative at all levels of the Council
Develop a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce Action Plan which captures measures and objectives to support staff, particularly those with protected characteristics.
Lead service area
- Organisational Development
- HR
- Equalities Team
How will we measure success?
Progress on actions to be monitored and supported by CMT and progress reported to Lead Members. Staff reporting positive outcomes.
Race Equality is embedded into all services of the council and responds to concerns and issues raised by the Black Lives Matter movement
Develop a Race Equality Action Plan which encapsulates measures and actions to bridge the gap on race inequality and aims to eliminate discrimination of all forms but particularly focussed around race.
Lead service area
- Equalities Team
How will we measure success?
Progress on actions regularly reported to the Race Equality Steering Group, CMT, CMB and Overview Select Committee. Updates will also be given to the External Reference Group who will engage with and challenge the plan.
Priority 4: Provide a working environment where employees are treated with fairness, dignity and respect
Support mechanisms and packages are in place for employees with a focus on equalities outcomes
The Diverse and Inclusive Workforce Action Plan which targets support for managers to effectively use organisational support mechanisms such as the carer's passport, the health and wellbeing passport, stress support plan and other services that can be accessed by staff such as Amica. This also includes raising awareness, offering opportunity for open discussion and two way dialogue.
Lead service area
- Organisational Development
- HR
- Equalities Team
How will we measure success?
Progress on actions in the plan to be monitored and supported by CMT and progress reported to Lead Members. Staff reporting positive outcomes.
The A2W and reasonable adjustment process is easy for managers and employees to self-serve where possible and allows staff to be well supported
Ensure intranet pages are updated to reflect how managers and employees can self serve whilst maintaining contact details for support on more complex cases. Consider if a better mechanism can be put in place for IT to understand the needs of the staff member.
Lead service area
- Equalities Team
- IT
How will we measure success?
Feedback as to ease of self service from managers and employees. IT have a better understanding of needs and are able to explain how alternative equipment will meet staff needs.
The mental wellbeing of staff is effectively supported and staff are aware of the support available. There is support in place for those who experience mental ill health. Stigma surrounding mental illness and talking about mental health is reduced
Actions are set out in the Health and Wellbeing Action Plan. Actions include; Rollout of mental health workshops for managers, communication of leaders portal to access health and wellbeing tools including mental health, promotion of Amica services via regular communications, healthy workplace survey - Review of questions to align to the H&WB framework, promotion of Remploy Mental Health Support Service (Trial), develop a communications plan for review at the health and wellbeing group to increase communications re: Mental Health (e.g. world mental health day etc).
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Employee Group is reassembled and functioning actively.
Lead service area
- Organisational Development
- Equalities Team
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Employee Group
- Public Health
How will we measure success?
Measures are set out in health and wellbeing action plan. Measures include; Number of attendees on MH Workshops.
Tracking of mental health absence linked to managers that have attended the training, Number of enquiries to Amica, with report from Amica highlighting support accessed, Click rates on Interface pages and articles, survey results and analysis.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Employee Group has a new Chair and the group is relaunched with a new membership.
Equalities implications are considered as part of corporate programmes/priorities and activities across the council
Ensure a presences of equalities when large corporate activity is being considered in a similar way to action 1d.
Link equalities into work done on the Survey of Leicester to help our understanding of issues such as digital inclusion, financial hardship and inequality and help to shape how we might use data captured as an organisation to address inequality.
Equalities implications are captured and considered through the New Ways of Working Programme, via the EIA and any interventions considered by the programme Board, with a particular consideration to A2W and reasonable adjustments for staff with disabilities.
Lead service area
- Equalities Team
How will we measure success?
EIA's completed throughout the identified programmes.
Good communication maintained with CMT about the impact of Equalities as proposals progress.