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Green infrastructure strategy

Leicester’s Green Infrastructure Strategy sets out the strategic vision for our green sites in Leicester and the ways in which they can be created, managed and maintained to provide maximum benefits to the people who live, work or visit Leicester.

How will improvements be prioritised? 

The actions are supported by an evidence base of data and information to identify and prioritise key areas to develop high quality green infrastructure within an accessible and natural green network. These areas are aimed at providing a range of functions which include landscaping/amenity, recreation, flood storage, safer access routes, cooler areas to combat predicated climate change and places for wildlife. We will work with a range of partners, public and private landowners to help deliver these schemes on the ground.

The strategy is closely linked to other environmental strategies including the sustainability action plan, Leicester’s biodiversity action plan and the local flood risk management strategy.

What are the five priorities?

  1. A place to do business and get about: linked to economic growth, regeneration, housing targets but also sustainable transport and car travel.
  2. A bio-diverse and beautiful city: linked to provision of habitats, access to nature, attractive and well-maintained areas of green space.
  3. A healthy and active city: linked to green transport routes and formal/informal recreation to address health and quality of life issues.
  4. A naturally sustainable city: linked to flood storage, controlling impacts of climate change, improving soil, water and air quality.
  5. Planning for green infrastructure: embedding the strategy within local policy and developing a strategic green network of space capable of providing multiple benefits in a cost effective and sustainable way

You can view the strategy below.