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Local heritage asset register

Find out which assets are listed on the local heritage asset register, and how to nominate a new asset.

Local heritage asset register (the local list) 

The local heritage asset register, more commonly known as the local list, is a register of local heritage assets in Leicester. The register identifies the significance of these assets and is used to inform planning decisions. 

Local heritage assets on the register can include: 

  • Buildings and structures
  • Parks and gardens
  • Archaeological sites 

To view locally listed heritage assets 

You can download a PDF of the register at the bottom of this page. You can also view all the current locally listed heritage assets on our web mapping system, using the quick link above. 

How to nominate a local heritage asset 

If you think a site or building is worthy of inclusion on the register due to its historic, architectural or archaeological interest and is not already protected, you can ask us to assess it. 

To do this, please send us an email to [email protected] with details about the site, including: 

  • Address
  • Date of construction
  • Reasons for your nomination
  • An external photograph. 

Please note, listed buildings, scheduled monuments, historic parks and gardens and sites within conservation areas do not need to be nominated, as they are already protected. 


We will consider applying an Article 4 Direction where we can identify a particular risk to a local heritage asset. We can use Article 4 Directions to withdraw permitted development rights from a local heritage asset - where it is considered necessary in order to safeguard the special interest of the local heritage asset.

Examples of permitted development rights that can be removed include:

  • Demolition works
  • Extensions and alterations
  • Removal/replacement of windows and doors
  • Painting/rendering of the exterior.

The implementation of an Article 4 Direction does not prevent the works from being carried out. Planning permission must first be obtained from us before any works are carried out.

There is a pdf list at the bottom of this page identifying all current Article 4 Directions and the properties affected.

Copies of the directions can be found at the bottom of this page.


Local heritage assets are eligible for grant funding from the conservation teams Historic building grant scheme. For further details please download the 'Historic building grants application pack' which can be found on the Heritage conservation page.

Mapping system guides

Use our guidance document below to help you search for local heritage assets on our web mapping system.