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Grassland Strategy 2023-2033

This strategy outlines what we do as a council to maintain our grassland areas.

Grassland areas have an impact on the amount of carbon that is taken from the atmosphere and stored, grassland can help improve and increase the biodiversity of the city.

Carbon sequestration or storage is when carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and held in solid or liquid form (in this case in the plants themselves).

Grasslands absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) during the growth phase and the more diverse the grasslands are the greater the storage rates. In addition, grasses that are between 10 and 60 cm tall absorb more carbon that shorter or longer grass.

The effects of climate change can be seen on our grassland areas; hotter and drier summers, wetter winters, changes in seasonal rainfall and increased flooding can significantly change the biodiversity, grass growth patterns and maintenance required.