EXAM 1 |
Leicester & Leicestershire Strategic Growth Plan |
EXAM 2 |
Inspectors' Initial Questions to LCC |
EXAM 3 |
LCC Response to Inspectors' Initial Questions |
EXAM 4 |
Regulation 22 Statement of Consultation (Updated Jan 2024) |
EXAM 5 |
LCC Local Development Scheme (Jan 2024) |
EXAM 6 |
Minerals Safeguarding - Brickclay 2015 |
EXAM 7 |
Minerals Safeguarding - Sand and Gravel - 2009 |
EXAM 8 |
Schedule of Proposed Modifications (March 2024) |
EXAM 9 |
Housing Allocations and Commitments - Deliverability & Developability (Excel Document - Direct Download) |
Action 331 - Housing Allocations and Commitments - Deliverability and Developability - Updated December 2024 |
EXAM 10 |
Guidance Notes |
EXAM 11 |
Hearings Programme (See EXAM 19) |
EXAM 12 |
Matters, Issues and Questions |
EXAM 13 |
LCC Statement on Green Wedge Consistency in Leicester and Leicestershire |
EXAM 14 |
Draft Statement of Common Ground to support progression of Local Plans in Leicester and Leicestershire (signed copy to follow) |
EXAM 15 |
Statement of Common Ground - Site SL05: Land West of Anstey Lane |
EXAM 16 |
Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping Report 2016 |
EXAM 17 |
Cartographic Revisions to Green Wedge in the Proposals Map |
EXAM 18 |
LCC Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Assessment August 2024 |
EXAM 19 |
Latest Hearings Programme |
EXAM 20 |
LCC Note on Sustainability Appraisal Updates |
EXAM 21 |
Revised Sustainability Appraisal August 2024 |
EXAM 21A |
App A - Appraisal of Alternatives |
Track Changed Sustainability Assessment Report - October 2024 |
EXAM 21B |
App B - Appraisal of Local Plan Sites - Track Changed
EXAM 21C |
App C1 - Appraisal of Red Sites to 641 - Track Changed - October 2024 |
EXAM 21D |
App C2 - Appraisal of Red Sites 643 - 999- Track Changed - October 2024 |
EXAM 21E |
App C3 - Appraisal of Red Sites from 1000- Track Changed - October 2024 |
EXAM 21F |
App D - Policy Appraisal- Track Changed - October 2024 |
EXAM 21G |
App E - Mitigation Measures- Track Changed - October 2024 |
EXAM 22 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 1 |
EXAM 23 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 2 |
EXAM 24 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 3 |
EXAM 25 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 4 |
EXAM 26 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 5 |
EXAM 27 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 6 |
EXAM 28 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 7 |
EXAM 29 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 8 |
EXAM 30 |
Council's Opening Statement |
EXAM 31 |
LCC Response to Action 4 - Plans and Tables Sites SL02 & SL03 |
EXAM 32 |
Explanatory Note - Sustainability Appraisal - Site SL02 |
EXAM 33 |
Explanatory Note - Sustainability Appraisal - Site SL03 |
EXAM 34 |
LCC Technical Note in response to Actions 4, 5 & 6 |
EXAM 35 |
Map of area for leaflet drop for Reg 18 and 19 consultations in response to Action 2 |
EXAM 36 |
Latest Actions List (Weeks 1-5) |
EXAM 37 |
Action 4 Response - Sustainability Appraisal Summary - SL04 |
EXAM 38 |
Action 4 Response - Sustainability Appraisal Summary - SL05 |
EXAM 39 |
Action 4 Response - Sustainability Appraisal Summary - SL06 |
EXAM 40 |
Action 9 Response - Sustainability Appraisal Explanatory Note - SL04 |
EXAM 41 |
Action 9 Response - Sustainability Appraisal Explanatory Note - SL05 |
EXAM 42 |
Action 9 Response - Sustainability Appraisal Explanatory Note - SL06 |
EXAM 43 |
Action 29 Response - Additional Information re North of Leicester Transport Study |
EXAM 44 |
Action 31 Response - Transforming Cities Funding Bid Summary |
EXAM 45 |
Action 32 - North of Leicester Transport Study Project Brief |
EXAM 46 |
Masterplan - SL05 |
EXAM 47 |
Masterplan - SL04 |
EXAM 48 |
Masterplan - SL06 |
EXAM 49 |
Masterplan - SL02 |
EXAM 50 |
Masterplan - SL03 |
EXAM 51 |
Action 37 Response - Archaeological and Heritage Appraisal - SL02 |
EXAM 52 |
Action 41 Response - New Ashton Green Design Guide |
EXAM 53 |
Action 18 Response - Central Development Area - Approvals and Future Supply since March 2024 (Excel Document) |
EXAM 54 |
Action 18 Response - 5 Year Delivery within the Central Development Area |
EXAM 55 |
Action 23 Response - Employment Technical Note |
EXAM 56 |
Action 17 Response - New NPPF Implications |
EXAM 57 |
Action 1 Response - Note and Chronology to Duty to Co-operate Meetings |
EXAM 58 |
Action 70 - Leicester Waterside SPD |
EXAM 59 |
Action 53 - SHELAA Joint Methodology Paper |
EXAM 60 |
Action 61 - Charnwood Policy Approach - SL05 |
EXAM 61 |
Action 108 - Note on Table 2.6 of Interim Forecasting Report |
EXAM 62 |
Action 112 - Midlands Connect A46 Study |
EXAM 63 |
Action 121 - Air Quality Action Plan |
EXAM 64 |
Action 46 - Ashton Green Education Strategy |
EXAM 65 |
Action 16 - Plan Review Note |
EXAM 66 |
Action 80 - Station Information |
EXAM 67 |
Action 73 - Residential Growth Patterns in City Centre |
EXAM 68 |
Action 19 - Affordable Housing Note |
EXAM 69 |
Action 25 - LCC Waste Needs Assessment |
EXAM 70 |
Action 25 - Map of BGS Data & Minerals Requirements |
EXAM 71 |
Action 52 - Site Hectarage - SL04 |
EXAM 72 |
Action 72 - Empty Housing Strategy |
EXAM 73 |
Action 153 - LCC & Historic England Duty to Co-operate Meeting Notes |
EXAM 74 |
Action 158 - Commuted Sums Corrections |
EXAM 75 |
Action 166 - Local Housing Needs Assessment Report 2020 |
EXAM 76 |
Action 135 - Application Details Site 222 |
EXAM 77 |
Action 152 - Archaeological Appraisal of Site 715 |
EXAM 78 |
Action 89 - CHA05 Developer Dialogue |
EXAM 79 |
Effectiveness of Enforcement Report |
EXAM 80 |
Action 141 - Housing Scheme Examples |
EXAM 81 |
Action 134 - Application Details Site 15 |
EXAM 82 |
Action 142 - Pre Application Note Site 960 |
EXAM 83 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 9 |
EXAM 84 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 10 |
EXAM 85 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 11 |
EXAM 86 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 12 |
EXAM 87 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 13 |
EXAM 88 |
Hearing Agenda - Day 14 |
EXAM 89 |
Action 64 - Beaumont Park Air Quality Assessment |
EXAM 90 |
Action 145 - Technical Note & Allotment Strategy 2015 - 2020 |
EXAM 91 |
Action 150 - Site 559 & Route of Eastern District Distributor Road |
EXAM 92 |
Actions 155 & 172 - Local Wildlife Sites |
EXAM 93 |
Action 140 - Map of Allocations and Open Space |
EXAM 94 |
Action 128 - DI01 Suggested Amendments to Supporting Text |
EXAM 95 |
Action 47 - Ashton Green Infrastructure Delivery Note |
EXAM 96 |
Action 164 - Housing Trajectory & Windfall Note |
EXAM 97 |
Action 167 - Updated Housing Trajectory |
EXAM 98 |
Action 50 - Transport and Sustainability Appraisal Note |
EXAM 99 |
Action 68 - Gypsy & Traveller Site Information |
EXAM 100A |
Actions 36 & 51 - Technical Document Summary - SL02 |
EXAM 100B |
Actions 36 & 51 - Technical Document Summary - SL03 |
EXAM 100C |
Actions 36 & 51 - Technical Document Summary - SL04 |
EXAM 100D |
Actions 36 & 51 - Technical Document Summary - SL05 |
EXAM 100E |
Actions 36 & 51 - Technical Document Summary - SL06 |
EXAM 101 |
Action 218 - Note on Policy CCFR05 |
EXAM 102 |
Action 272 - CT04 Great Central Railway |
EXAM 103 |
Action 285 - Note on Land South of Evington Lane |
EXAM 104 |
Action 212 - Climate Ready Leicester Plan |
EXAM 105 |
Action 275 - Statement of Common Ground between LCC and Charnwood Borough Council |
EXAM 106 |
Action 333 - Planning Status of Site 307 - Mary Gee Houses |
EXAM 107 |
Action 215 - Note on Scope and Timescale of Climate Change SPD |
EXAM 108 |
Action 291 - Note on Scope and Timescales of Green Spaces SPD |
EXAM 109 |
Action 325 - End of Life Vehicle Processing Note |
EXAM 110 |
Action 332 - Housing Trajectory 2024 Updated 28.11.24 |
EXAM 111 |
Action 335 - Note on 5 Year Housing Land Supply Preferred Approach |
EXAM 112A |
Action 341 - Leicester's Health, Care and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2027 |
EXAM 112B |
Action 341 - Living in Leicester - Infographic Summary |
EXAM 112C |
Action 341 - Living in Leicester - Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2023 |