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Community services and library needs assessment

We held a survey from 3 July to 24 September 2023, asking for your views on how we could change our multi-service centres, community centres, and libraries so they provide the right kinds of services – now and in the future.

Modernising our community services and libraries

Leicester’s multi-service centres, community centres, and libraries play an important role in our local neighbourhoods.

They promote health and wellbeing, bring communities together and provide places for people to meet.

They help residents with books and reading and with study and learning. They support people to access information and digital services and provide cultural events and creative activities for children and adults.

However, we know from your feedback that the way people use our multi-service centres, community centres, and libraries is changing. We also know that many people don’t currently visit any of our multi-service centres, community centres and libraries or are unaware of the services that they offer.

Rising costs and cuts to government funding also mean that we must invest carefully in our services to get the best value for money for our residents.

That’s why we need to ensure the services provided are modern, efficient and fit for purpose for years to come.

How will we do this?

Earlier this year we asked people visiting our multi-service centres, community centres, and libraries about their reasons for visiting and their views on the service provided.

We then ran a survey to find out what your priorities for our multi-service centres, community centres, and libraries might be in the future, whether you currently visit them or not. The survey closed on 24 September 2023.

What happens next?

We will now review and consider every response to our survey.

Based on what you tell us, we will follow up in early 2024 with some proposals that we will ask you to comment on as part of a formal public consultation process.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, or would like to take part in a focus group, please email [email protected]