A to Z
- Pack for Good reuse banks
- Park and Ride
- Parking and bus lane enforcement
- Parking bay
- Parking charges
- Parking in Leicester
- Parking permits
- Parks and open spaces
- Parks Friends Groups
- Parks in leicester
- Parks with gyms
- Participation youth groups
- Passes and concessionary fares
- Pavement cafe licence
- Pavement licence
- Pavement licence
- Pavements and roads
- Pay as you go leisure centre activities
- Pay fixed penalty notices
- Pay online
- Pay your council tax and paperless billing
- Payment terms and conditions
- Performance and spending
- Performance, inspections and reports
- Permits and licenses for business
- Personal budgets
- Pest control
- Peter Soulsby
- Phoenix Square
- Phone and email us
- Pitch and Putt
- Planning and building
- Planning applications
- Planning applications and appeals
- Planning applications mapping system
- Policies, plans and strategies
- Policy and guidance
- Pollution control
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Preparing Brexit
- Preparing for adulthood strategy 2021-2025
- Presenting a petition
- Press and media
- Press office
- Press releases
- Prior notifications
- Privacy
- Private fostering
- Private hire cabs
- Private hire vehicles
- Private sector lettings schemes
- Private tenants
- Privately owned empty homes
- Properties - commercial and land
- Properties and land to let or buy
- Properties for sale
- Property numbering
- Public computers
- Public health
- Public rights of way
- Public safety
- Public toilets