A to Z
- Safeguarding adults board
- Safeguarding adults reviews (SARs)
- Saffron Hill Cemetery
- Saffron Lane Athletics Stadium
- Scattering ashes
- School and college transport
- School and colleges
- School dinners
- School governors
- School holidays
- School inspections and reports
- School terms and holidays
- School vacancies
- Schools and learning
- Scooter loans
- Scrap metal dealer licensing
- Scrutiny
- Search planning applications
- Secure cycle parking
- Self-service and customer services
- Senior citizens
- Senior citizens bus pass
- Senior salaries and job descriptions
- Severe weather
- Sexual abuse
- Sexual and domestic abuse
- Sexual health
- Sexual violence
- Sheltered housing
- Shopmobility
- Shrubs and bushes
- Slavery
- Social care for adults
- Social care for children
- Social housing
- Social media
- Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Joint Commissioning Strategy 2021-2024
- Special needs and community transport
- Spence Street Sports Centre
- Spinney Hill Park
- Sport and Leisure
- Sport and leisure discount card
- Sport on parks
- Sports and leisure centres
- Sports and recreation
- Sports centres
- Sports membership
- St Matthews Centre
- Statement of accounts
- Stay warm
- Staying healthy in winter
- Stillborn baby registration
- Strategies and plans
- Stray dogs
- Street cleaning and care
- Street lighting
- Street naming and numbering
- Succeeding a tenancy
- Summer Reading Challenge
- Summons for council tax
- Support for carers
- Support for children and young people
- Support for professionals
- Support for refugees and people in crisis
- Support for young carers
- Support getting out and about
- Support with benefits
- Supported Employment
- Supporting Tenants and Residents (STAR)
- Sustainable Leicester
- Swim Leicester
- Swimming pools