School dinners

Schools have to provide a paid meal on request and a free meal to those that are eligible. Nutritional standards are defined by the government.
Quick links
Leicester schools follow strict guidelines set by the government when preparing food, providing children with a healthy and tasty meal each school day.
Free school meals for infants
Every maintained school in Leicester provides a free school meal for pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. This follows a recommendation in the school food plan, which aims to increase the number of children reaching good food in schools, having a positive impact on their well-being.
Is my child entitled to free school meals?
To find out more information on free school meals, please view the quick link above.
How much do school meals cost?
The cost of school meals varies across the city.
Payments are typically made through an online system, such as ParentPay. For more information, please contact your child's school.
Can my child's school provide a vegetarian meal?
Yes, a healthy and tasty vegetarian option is available at each city school on a daily basis. Please speak with your child's school for more information.
Can my child's school provide multicultural meals?
Please speak with your child's school for more information.
Can my child's school cater to allergies or medical needs?
Yes, schools can provide meals that meet your child's specific allergies or medical requirements. Please contact your child's school to discuss any dietary needs and ensure appropriate arrangements are made.