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Making it Real

Our adult social care department has adopted an approach called Making it Real – we will use this to guide everything we do.

What is Making it Real?

Making it Real aims to improve the way everyday social care services are designed and delivered, bringing together people drawing on social care and people working within it.  

Co-production means working together, making the most of everyone’s strengths, skills and knowledge that can benefit us jointly. It works by building trusting and equal partnerships, creating support that works for people who need it.

How will it work?

Our Making It Real group is made up of people who draw on social care or who care for someone who does, as well as people who work in social care – all working together as equals. Group members do not need any professional qualifications – just their experience. Group members check, advise, support and challenge adult social care on its co-production work, so it becomes an everyday reality.

How can I get involved?

We’d like to hear from you if you are passionate about making things better and you:

  1. live in Leicester (or care for someone who does)
  2. want to contribute to the development of adult social care support in Leicester
  3. are committed to the principles of co-production, Making it Real and the belief that everyone is equal
  4. are willing to contribute to meetings, training, workshops and focus groups, including committing some time between meetings
  5. actively use your knowledge and personal experience of using adult social care services, or caring for someone who does
  6. are confident to challenge and question in a helpful and respectful way
  7. understand the need to balance openness and confidentiality
  8. treat people the way you choose to be treated, respecting people’s differences.

Let us know by emailing [email protected].