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Help for young carers

If you’re a young person who is looking after someone, we will try to support you as much as possible with specialised help and advice.

Young people who regularly look after someone sometimes don’t think of themselves as carers and don’t realise help and support is available.

What support is available?

Young carers can be supported via our Early Help and Prevention Family Support Offer.

If you have, or are a child or a young person who is as a young carer please call our duty and assessment service on:

  • 0116 454 1004 and choose option 1 'City', then option 1 'Child'

A young carer is defined by the NHS as: “...if you're under 18 and help to look after a relative with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem. If you're a young carer, you probably look after one of your parents or care for a brother or sister. You may do extra jobs in and around the home, such as cooking, cleaning, or helping someone get dressed and move around. You may also give a lot of physical help to a brother or sister who's disabled or ill. Along with doing things to help your brother or sister, you may be giving them and your parents emotional support, too.”

Get a break

Our youth service provides a safe, friendly, and comfortable environment for young carers to meet and socialise with their peers.

It gives them the opportunity to gain respite from their caring role at home and the opportunity to get involved with a range of activities such as sports, games consoles, board games, cooking and pool.

Young carers can plan their own programme of activities and receive the support of an allocated keyworker who will provide one to one support to develop an individual plan focusing on their needs and aspirations.

For more details email [email protected].

Learning support

Connexions Leicester provides information, advice and guidance to young carers aged 16-19 or up to 25 for carers who have an Education Health and Care Plan - EHCP. This might be about returning to education or applying for work or an apprenticeship. For young carers in year 11 and attending a city school, a Connexions personal adviser can help discuss their post-16 choices and assist with PS16 applications. 

Being referred for a young carer's assessment

You may be referred for an assessment to decide what type and level of support is needed.

The person receiving the care will also be assessed to make sure they are getting sufficient help, and make sure the young carer's role is not excessive, considering their age and their own needs. If you are a young carer, you may be entitled to services in your own right.

Useful links

  1. Carers Trust is an online service where you can join an online community to discuss your experiences with other young carers.
  2. NHS Choices has a dedicated section with information for young carers.