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The CURE Project

The CURE Project is a programme that provides treatment for tobacco addiction. It involves identifying smokers in hospital, giving them nicotine replacement therapy and specialised support throughout their hospital stay.

The CURE Project is a treatment programme for tackling smoking delivered across University Hospitals Leicester. It’s available for smokers who are admitted to hospital to provide timely treatment with nicotine replacement, medications, and specialist support.

If you are a smoker who is admitted to hospital, ask your doctor about the project or look out for our friendly CURE advisors and ask them for more information – it could help you to quit smoking and improve your health.

On discharge from hospital, CURE patients have their care transferred to the Live Well Leicester stop smoking team who will continue to offer you support through your quit journey with nicotine replacement therapy and one-to-one sessions with an expert advisor.

Maternity CURE

If you smoke when you’re pregnant, you put your unborn baby’s health at risk as well as your own. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of complications such as miscarriage, premature (early) birth, stillbirth or a low-birth-weight baby.

The CURE project also has a programme that specialises in supporting pregnant women with quitting smoking. When seen by a hospital-based midwife, you will automatically be referred to the Maternity CURE team for specialised treatments to help you quit during your pregnancy.

Ask your midwife about the Maternity CURE service and help to protect your unborn baby’s health as well as your own by quitting smoking.