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Heritage at risk register


The purpose of the Leicester Heritage at Risk Register is to identify the most vulnerable heritage assets in the city and to establish necessary actions to ensure their preservation.

As of September 2020, there are 398 Nationally Listed Buildings, 6 Registered Historic Parks and Gardens, 11 Scheduled Monuments, 24 Conservation Areas and 393 Local Heritage Assets in Leicester. Although the vast majority of the city’s heritage assets remain in active use and are well-maintained, a small number are in poor condition, usually as the result of redundant use, long-term vacancy or neglect.

What is included on the heritage at risk register?

The city’s heritage at risk register was first published in October 2017, with 68 heritage assets included on the register. Since then 24 assets have been removed from the register through necessary repair works and/or reoccupation, comprising over a third of all assets included on the register. Another 12 assets have since been added onto the register.

The revised version of our heritage at risk register was published in September 2020 and includes 56 heritage assets identified as being at risk.

The register is an evolving document, providing an evidence base for those heritage assets currently considered to be at risk. Subject to resources available, it is our intention to publish an updated version of the register every three years.

To be included on the register, buildings, structures, monuments, or sites must be classified as vulnerable. More specifically, they need to:

  • display a degree of significant deterioration;
  • suffer from long-term underuse, neglect or vacancy.

The register is split into categories to reflect the relative vulnerability of those heritage assets deemed to be at risk and to prioritise where resources these are channelled onto heritage assets. Conservation areas, registered parks and gardens and scheduled monuments are not included in the document.

Leicester’s heritage at risk register is available to download by following the link at the bottom of the page.

Historic building grants

If your property is a nationally or locally listed asset, or a historic property located within a conservation area, you may be eligible for a small grant towards external repairs or reinstatement of historic features. Any assets included on the heritage at risk register will be prioritised for grant funding.

For further details, information on what works are eligible and how to apply, please download the historic building grants application pack at the bottom of the heritage conservation webpage.

Historic England’s heritage at risk registers

Historic England is responsible for compiling regional heritage at risk registers, which are produced annually. The registers include nationally listed buildings, scheduled monuments, registered parks and gardens, conservation areas and other nationally designated sites found to be at risk (for example due to neglect, decay or inappropriate development).

Our heritage at risk register contains buildings, sites and structures included in Historic England’s heritage at risk register alongside others not covered by Historic England, such as non-designated heritage assets.

Historic England’s most recently published heritage at risk registers can be accessed from their website.