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Health and Wellbeing Board

Leicester's Health and Wellbeing Board works in partnership with local communities and healthcare providers to develop and deliver health and wellbeing strategies.

What is the Health and Wellbeing Board?

The Health and Wellbeing Board is established as a council committee under the Health and Social Care Act 2012. All county councils and unitary authorities are required to establish a Health and Wellbeing Board.

The Board is a partnership forum which is made up of leaders from local health and care systems to enable them to understand the health and wellbeing of the local population, and to work together to improve it.

The Health and Wellbeing Board’s primary aim is to achieve better health, care and wellbeing outcomes for Leicester’s population and a better quality of care for patients and other people using health and social services.

Membership of the Board, it’s aims and objectives, and key duties can be read about in more detail in the terms of reference.

What are the duties of the Health and Wellbeing Board?

The Health and Wellbeing Board has a statutory duty to:

  • Produce Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) which assess the health and wellbeing needs of Leicester’s populations, and refresh them as needed.
  • Produce a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) to show what the local priorities are for addressing the health and wellbeing needs of Leicester’s population, and a plan for how those needs will be met.
  • Produce a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) for Leicester.
  • Encourage integrated working between health and social care commissioners.
  • Encourage close working between commissioners of health-related services and the board itself.
  • Make recommendations to the relevant partnership organisations, who will act within their respective powers and duties.
  • Agree the Better Care Fund submissions. More information on what the Better Care Fund is can be found on the NHS England website.

How can the public find out about, and be involved with, what is happening at the Health and Wellbeing Board?

The agenda for each Board meeting is published on our website five clear days before the meeting (not including the day of publication or the day of the meeting). All meetings are webcast (live) and can be viewed via the link on the website which will be published alongside the agenda.

Minutes from each meeting are published on the website after the meeting (usually within 14 days of the meeting), along with a link to the recording of the webcast, meaning it can be viewed at any point after the meeting as well as live on the day.

There is a public gallery area at all meetings – members of the public are welcome to view the meeting from the public gallery area. Members of the public are also able to submit questions to raise general matters of health concerns at a Health and Wellbeing Board meeting – these must be received by noon seven days before the date of the meeting, unless there are bank holidays in that period when the date will be moved earlier to allow for them.

All questions should be submitted to [email protected] to be considered.

Get in touch

[email protected].