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Constructing Leicester

Employment and Skills Plans (ESPs) are sought for all large scale major planning applications.

ESPSs seek to ensure that there are local employment and skills opportunities and benefits derived from construction projects that take place in the city.

Core Strategy Policy CS10 states "The city council will promote local labour agreements with developers to enable local people in deprived communities to secure employment and skills development."

The Constructing Leicester employment and skills strategy has been in place since 2015. It sets out our requirement for ESPs to be embedded into the planning and procurement process for construction projects. We have National Skills Academy for Construction accreditation, and have adopted industry agreed national benchmarks.

Get in touch with us for detailed current guidance on ESPs and how we can help you meet local your recruitment goals.

Pre-construction and construction phase

Guidance for developers and contractors

ESPs are sought for all large scale major planning applications as follows:

  • Housing developments of 200 units or more, or site area four hectares or more
  • Commercial developments with a floor space of 10,000 square metres or more, or site area two hectares or more.

ESPs are secured through either a condition or a section 106 agreement. For developments below the size mentioned above, applicants are invited to develop and deliver an ESP as good practice but on a voluntary basis.

Post-construction phase

Organisations owning or managing new developments

An ESP is sought for post-construction activities, for example staff recruitment prior to new store opening. Get in touch with us for detailed guidance on EPSs and how we can help with recruitment.

Leicester Construction Hub

Constructing Leicester and Leicester Construction Hub are linked projects aiming to develop opportunities for Leicester residents to find work locally in the construction industry, and develop a skilled local workforce.

Contact us

[email protected]