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Leicester's Care, Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2027

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The Health and Wellbeing Board recognises that we cannot focus the same level of resource and effort across all priorities simultaneously

For this reason, we have adopted a ‘Do, Sponsor, Watch’ approach for one-two priorities per theme, as summarised below.

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  • Agreed by the Health and Wellbeing Board as the most important priorities to progress in initial years.

  • Underpinned by detailed reference to plans & supporting metrics within an Action Plan.

  • A member of the Health and Wellbeing Board will act as champion for each DO priority.

  • Quarterly progress reporting to the Health and Wellbeing Board.


  • Plans and supporting metrics outlined within an Action Plan.

  • Any risk to progress escalated through reporting to place-based groups.


  • Plans outlined within an Action Plan 22/24.

  • Any risk to progress escalated through reporting to place-based groups.

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The benefit of this approach is it gives focus on a small number of ‘Do’ priorities in initial years, whilst ensuring some level of focus on all priorities identified.

The Health and Wellbeing Board can also review where each priority goes within the framework at regular intervals.

We also expect work on all priorities to be progressed using the guiding principles:

  • Health and wellbeing equity in all we do, with support and services being provided and available at a scale and intensity that is proportionate to need.

  • Using co-design and co-production of services and support with the people using the services, as well as using feedback we have already received from the people of Leicester on what is important to them on health and care services being delivered.

  • Takes a strengths-based approach building on existing community and voluntary sector resources and services in place.

  • Look at new ways of building our local health and social care workforce.

  • Are supported by clear measures of progress.
