Our commitment to equality
We outline our commitment to equality in three documents – our equality and diversity strategy, action plan and charter.
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Our equality and diversity strategy
Our equality and diversity strategy sets out the City Mayor and executive’s commitment to meeting the needs of Leicester residents with the resources we have available, and that equality considerations are embedded in everything we do.
The strategy was launched by Peter Soulsby, City Mayor, and Manjula Sood, Assistant City Mayor, on 14 June 2018. This is supported by an action plan which is reviewed annually.
Our equality and diversity charter
Our equality and diversity charter sets out our commitment to equality and diversity. The nine points of our charter are:
- We are proud of, and celebrate, our city’s diversity
- We recognise that people have differing needs
- When allocating resources we will be clear on how we have prioritised individual and community needs
- We will treat people with respect
- We will provide accessible information on our services, community activities and events we support
- We will aim to deliver services that are accessible and culturally appropriate to those using them
- When making important decisions about local public services we will engage with local residents and communities
- We will work with our employees to ensure that equality is embedded in the workplace
- We have developed an equality and diversity strategy which reflects this commitment.