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Live Well advice and support

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Contacting us

If you need to contact us, please email [email protected] and we will respond as soon we can.

Losing weight and eating healthily

Making healthy choices in what you eat can help you to maintain a healthy weight. There are lots of tools, resources, and support services available to help you feel your best.

To stay at a healthy weight, you need to eat a diet that is balanced. Balanced means eating a variety of foods, in the correct amount. A diet that is balanced can help reduce the risk of several health conditions including heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes.

Stopping smoking

It doesn’t matter how long you have been smoking for or how many cigarettes you smoke a day, quitting can have immediate benefits on your health.

If you don’t think you will ever want to stop smoking, think about switching to vaping an e cigarette is 95% safer than smoking, because you don’t breathe in any tar or carbon monoxide,. Switching completely brings health gains. We can help you with this. Our advisors will also tell you about licensed stop smoking products available to you.

What can you expect from us?

  • Free, friendly, non judgemental support and advice to help you stop smoking
  • Carbon Monoxide check at each appointment to show you how well you are doing
  • Thousands of people in Leicester have stopped smoking with our support

Physical activity

Our healthy lifestyle service offers the opportunity to improve your quality of life through healthy lifestyle changes. Our dedicated team can guide and support you every step of the way to help you achieve your physical activity and health goals, and with the support of our team, you will learn ways to increase your physical activity, eat healthier, and how to stay motivated and set achievable goals.

Where is the service delivered and what is involved?

The service is delivered across Leicester's seven leisure centres and in local parks and community venues. All of our physical activity sessions are delivered in groups, sessions can include circuit training, gym, dance fitness, hydro mobility, swim for health, body conditioning, aerobics, outdoor gyms, couch to 5k and much more.

In addition you will have access to sessions which give you information, hints and tips in a wide range of healthy lifestyle related topics including, eating healthier, hydration and stopping smoking. This is done interactively with getting you involved and we will also provide you with useful information to take home with you.

Reducing alcohol

There are a number of immediate health benefits of cutting down your alcohol intake these include :

  • Feeling better when you wake up in the morning
  • better looking skin
  • being less tired throughout the day and better looking skin

Some longer term benefits include:

  • Better mood – there is a link between heavy drinking and depression and if you already feel anxious or sad drinking can make this worse, by drinking less you may see your mood improve generally.
  • Improved sleep – drinking can disrupt your sleep and may even prevent you from going into a deep sleep, cutting down on your alcohol intake should result in you feeling more rested when you wake up.
  • Better judgement/behaviour – sometimes drinking can cause irrational behaviour or make you act aggressive when your drunk, in the long term it can also cause memory loss for some drinkers.
  • Improved immune system – drinking too much alcohol regularly can lower your immune system and therefore effect your body’s ability to fight infections.

You might not be aware of the number of calories there are in alcoholic drinks that can cause weight gain if consumed in large amounts. Some glasses of wine have the same number of calories in as a slice of cake!

Further information about the number of calories in your drinks can be found on the NHS website.