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Walk to school projects

We are working alongside Living Streets, the charity for everyday walking, offering support and resources to encourage walking to school.

Why do we need to encourage walking to school?

  • Happier healthier children: Walking to school provides children (and their grown-ups!) with regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. What’s more, evidence shows that an active journey to school helps children arrive alert and ready to learn.
  • Less congestion: During morning peak traffic times, one in five cars on the road are taking children to school, contributing to congestion, air pollution and carbon emissions. Fewer cars at the school gates will create safer streets for all families travelling in as well as improve relations with local residents.
  • Cleaner air: Poor air quality affects people’s health and damages the environment. One of the main sources of pollutants is road traffic – which includes cars on the school run. Walking to school is one way to help clean up the air around the school gates.

Walk to School Challenge for primary school aged children

WOW – Living Streets walk to school challenge – encourages children and their families to travel actively to school at least once a week. At the end of each month, children who achieve this are rewarded with a collectible badge.


Transitioning to secondary school

Living Streets journey planning activity sheet encourages year 6 pupils to consider the different ways they could travel to their new secondary school. The activity can be completed by pupils at home or in school as part of their ‘transitions’ preparation.

Visit the Living Street's website

Download the activity sheet and get useful information for parents/carers.


Contact us

For more information use the contact details below to get in touch with your local Living Streets Coordinators:

Cate Dearn: 0759 578 1875, [email protected]