Bringing people together

Learn new skills, get more active and get together with others at our free activity sessions at community centres and libraries.
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Taking part in activities with other people can help you achieve better mental and physical health. Our Let’s Get Together programme offers a number of free activities that you can get involved in. These activities take place at our community centres, libraries and museums.
We offer a range of activities including arts and crafts, walking sessions, community gardening and opportunities to volunteer There are also spaces to play chess, do jigsaws or sit quietly - something to suit everyone.
More about what the programme offers can be found below.
Warm Welcome
Warm Welcome is one of the ways we are helping people with the increased costs of living.
As well as a warm and friendly welcome, our libraries also offer a comfortable space to relax and enjoy a hot drink and a chat, and of course free wifi and public computers (book a beginner session with friendly staff if you need help getting started).
- look out for a Together Table at your local library or community centre
- join a local walking group which operates from the building
- enjoy some light gardening
- explore options for volunteering on any activities in the community buildings
- become part of the seed library, free seeds and advice.
- enjoy the benefits of learning something new whilst being out in the fresh air
- make the most of opportunities to volunteer and improve your local areas
- Get Growing grant - a scheme to help more people to grow their own fruit and vegetables
- find out how to use NHS online services such as GP appointments and order medication online
- learn how to socialise safely online using social media platforms
- find social activities near you
Walking is good for your physical and mental health, and for your general wellbeing. If you prefer to get walking in the company of others, why not try a group walk? Check out our the options below to discover one that suits you.
Let's Get Together, Social Strolls
Join us for social walks each month, visiting Leicester's Museums and other public venues! Enjoy a friendly group walk at a steady pace, through pleasant city streets and parks. We reveal some interesting facts along the way and there is a social opportunity afterwards.
The strolls are free to attend and are part of a wider programme of Discovery Walks, helping people discover Leicester on foot. For full details of upcoming walks, visit:
Let's Get Together, Health Walks
The Live Well team offer free led group walks from community locations in the city as part of their ‘Live Well Walk More’ initiative. The walks are designed to be accessible, improve mental and physical health and wellbeing, reduce social isolation and loneliness. They start and finish at a community centre or library and there is an opportunity to socialise over free refreshments afterwards.
The walks are approximately 45 minutes long and take place weekly at the following locations and times:
- Beaumont Leys Library - Monday 10:00am
- Hamilton Library - Monday 11:30am
- Belgrave Neighbourhood Centre - Tuesday 10:30am
- Eyres Monsell Club for young people - Thursday 10:00am
- Aylestone Leisure Centre - Thursday 12:30pm
- Town Hall Square - Friday 12:30pm
- Highfields library 11:00am
For more information on our walks visit Live Well Walk More - Live Well Leicester
If you would like to suggest new activities that you could take part in, please email us.
Community Connectors
Are you experiencing feelings of loneliness or isolation? Do you wish to go out to make friends in your local community but lack the confidence to do so?
Community Connectors can help. Their aim is to improve the quality of life for residents across Leicester, connecting people with local services, facilities and activities, providing individuals with personalised support.
Local Community Connectors can help point you towards helpful resources or introduce you to local groups and activities in your area so that you can get out and about and socialise, or connect with others online from the comfort of your home.
If you, or someone you know, thinks you may benefit from this support you can refer to the service and a Community Connector will get in touch to help you access the most appropriate services in the community, based on your needs.
Community Connectors contact details
Community Connectors can be contacted 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.
Anyone aged 18 and over can access the service.
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 0116 4420 246