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Personal licences

All premises where alcohol is for sale must have a designated premises supervisor, who must hold a personal licence.

How do I apply for a personal licence?

Apply online using the quick link at the top of this page. In addition to completing the form, all applicants for a personal licence must:

  • be over 18
  • hold a relevant licensing qualification (details of accredited course providers are available on GOV.UK)
  • provide a criminal record check that is no more than a month old
  • provide two passport sized photographs
  • provide a disclosure of convictions and declaration (available below)
  • pay the fee of £37.

Completing the form online

You will need to create an account using the quick link at the top of this page. 

You will need to upload scanned copies of the original documents to the online form. Photographs must have both sides scanned showing the endorsement by the appropriate person.  Qualifications and disclosures must also have both sides scanned.

Right to work

We are required to check all applicants’ immigration status. Details of acceptable documents are available on the Home Office website (PDF).

How do I get a criminal record check?

New applicants can get their criminal record check via the Disclosure and Barring Service. This will be available on the GOV.UK website shortly. Any queries should be directed to [email protected].


Two photographs must be submitted, which:

  • contrast against the background
  • measure 45mm x 35mm
  • show the full face uncovered and without sunglasses and, unless the applicant wears a head covering due to their religious beliefs, without a head covering
  • One of the photos must be endorsed as a true likeness of the applicant by a solicitor or notary, professional person, or a person of standing in the community.

Further guidance is available on our policy and guidance page.


As of 1 April 2015, personal licences will not expire and any licence which was valid on that date will remain valid indefinitely. Personal licence holders do not need to take any action to ensure their licence continues.