Open call 1 - Business
This call focused on the UKSPF Investment Priorities within our UKSPF business theme.
We requested applications which support:
- Survival of start- up businesses.
- Support for increase business productivity
- Targeted support for black business community.
- Support for low carbon and digital support
These support interventions will help to grow business productivity, increase the local business pool and drive growth in the economy.
Below are details of the organisations that were successful in securing grants to deliver their proposed projects through this call:
UKSPF investment priority: strengthening local entrepreneurial ecosystems
UKSPF investment priority: strengthening local entrepreneurial ecosystems
UKSPF investment priority: strengthening local entrepreneurial ecosystems
UKSPF investment priority: strengthening local entrepreneurial ecosystems
UKSPF investment priority: growing the local social economy
UKSPF investment priority: growing the local social economy