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UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)

The government allocated £9.193m to help us fund local projects. In addition, we will receive £2.127m from the Multiply Programme to support adults in improving their numeracy skills. In total, we will receive £11.32m over three years.

Our investment priorities

The primary goal of the UKSPF is to build pride in place and increase life chances. The fund will improve the place people live in, and support individuals and business. 

The investment plan will focus on three priorities:

  1. Communities and place
  2. Supporting local businesses
  3. People and skills

What funding is available?

Skills Bootcamp 

Working alongside Leicestershire County Council and the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), we are looking for organisations to deliver Skills Bootcamps across Leicestershire.

Skills Bootcamps are flexible training courses for adults aged 19 and over. They last up to 16 weeks and offer participants a job opportunity on completion.

Previous open calls

Applications for the Business Growth Fund and People and Community Fund closed on 3 July 2023. Details of the successful providers can be found below:

Our current timetable of funding is outlined in the 'Update and programme timetable' PDF below.

What's happened so far?

The investment plan was submitted in August 2022 and approved in December 2022. You can find this at the bottom of the page.

To help inform and develop the investment plan, we held workshops in June to provide further details about the UKSPF process and criteria.

We also commissioned Focus Consultants 2010 LLP, to undertake an independent assessment of a range of EU and CRF funded projects across the city.

We are grateful to all of the participating organisations for providing information to inform the analysis, and for engaging positively with Focus to assist their work.

The purpose of the assessment has not been to pass judgement on the effectiveness or reach of any specific project, merely to comment on the potential fit with the objectives of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

It has been useful to understand the range of activities being delivered, which projects have been reaching different sections of the community, and to help identify where we have much or little provision.

It is also important to note that the views expressed do not determine which projects may ultimately receive UKSPF funding.

In addition to the focus report, our equality officer has provided additional statistics in relation to unemployment and economic activity.

Want to receive updates?

To be added to the contact list for updates on the UKSPF programme please email [email protected]

More information

Read more about the UKSPF at GOV.UK.

Please note

All the above information may be subject to change upon receiving further government guidance.