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Leicester Energy advice

Leicester Energy Action provides advice, training, outreach sessions and education for young people. We can help you to support your clients who are struggling to heat their homes.

The service is funded by Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board and is being delivered in partnership with National Energy Action (NEA), a national charity, and our Public Health Division.

The advice service

We aim to support people with energy debt, safeguarding, and keeping their homes warm - currently through a professional referral.

We are rolling out a referral process, through community organisations, voluntary organisations, social prescribers and the wider NHS.

We can provide the following support:

  • Managing energy debt/negotiating with suppliers
  • Damp/mould in properties
  • Energy efficiency/health impacts
  • Support to access existing retrofit schemes
  • Support to access government support/tackling digital exclusion
  • Long-term solutions/short-term remedies

Would you like to become a referrer?

Do you know of a frontline team, group or organisation that needs to refer into this service?

If your organisation would like to become a referrer into the energy advice service, able to support your clients who are struggling to heat their homes, please get in touch by emailing [email protected].


Our training is for front line staff within organisations and communities. We’re building a network of qualified energy advisors with and in the communities where they’re needed.

The training is funded by the programme so there’s no additional cost to the teams, groups and organisations. It’s giving their staff the ability to support their clients with the issues that are being presented on the front line.

There are two training options – a series of webinars addressing key fuel poverty topics, and The City and Guilds Level Three Award in Energy Awareness, see below.

Our programme of holistic training supports front-line workers in tackling fuel poverty in Leicester. By upskilling professionals and volunteers, we are expanding energy advice across the city to aid vulnerable residents who are in or at risk of fuel poverty.

The short course webinars look at a range of topics including:

  • impact that fuel poverty has on mental health
  • how changes in behaviour can support people to act upon advice.

If you would like to be alerted when the next webinar session is running, please email [email protected]

The City and Guilds training is a longer course with three days of training and an examination day.

Learners undertaking this course are able to obtain a qualification in delivering energy advice. The training is aimed at front line staff to support in the delivery of energy advice to clients, either face to face or over the phone.

If your organisation would like to nominate a member of the team for development training in Energy Awareness, please email [email protected]

Community outreach sessions

We can come to your community, events and meetings to engage people to understand the impacts of, and find solutions to, fuel poverty.

We can accommodate group workshops, 1-1 advice sessions, information stands – or bespoke delivery that works best for the people you’re trying to support.

To get in touch with us to chat about arranging an outreach session within your community, please email [email protected].

Education workshops for Key Stage 2

Our trainer delivers face to face 'Energy in Mind' education workshops for Key Stage 2 children. The aim is to educate young people to become more energy efficient, facilitate good behaviour change and empower them in influencing others to improve their energy habits.

The workshops look at:

  • production of energy
  • differences between renewable and non-renewable sources
  • impacts that wasting energy is having on our environment
  • how changes in behaviour can make a difference
  • how much it costs to run appliances and learning to be mindful of dangers associated with them
  • different insulation measures

The workshop is built around student interaction and is accessible at a level appropriate to the learner. Objectives are linked to the National Curriculum's PSHE and Citizenship Programmes of Study.

If you are interested in finding out more about the workshops, please email: [email protected].

For further support and advice about heating your home visit National Energy Action at