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In the UK, 70 per cent of people will choose a cremation funeral compared to 30 per cent who choose a burial.

For families who would still like to have a lasting memorial, we offer a range of memorials suitable for dedication or vaults and cremation graves for the cremated remains.

Do any religious groups forbid cremation?

All current Christian denominations, including the Roman Catholic Church, allow cremation, as do Sikhs, Hindus, Parsees and Buddhists. It is however forbidden by Orthodox Jews and Muslims.

How soon after the service will a cremation take place?

The coffin and the body shall be placed in a cremator and cremation commenced no later than 72 hours after the service of committal in accordance with the guiding principles for cremation.

Can more than one body be cremated in a cremator at the same time?

Every cremation has to be carried out separately. Exceptions may be made in the case of a mother and baby or twin children, providing the next of kin or executor has made a specific request.

What procedures are followed to ensure that cremated remains are kept separate?

A cremator can only accept only one coffin at a time and all remains are removed before the unit can be used again. The identity card accompanies the coffin and cremated remains throughout the process until final disposal.

What happens to the cremated remains after cremation?

At the end of the cremation process the remains are removed and taken to a treatment area in a special container. The cremated remains will be disposed of in compliance with the wishes of the applicant.

Baby and infant cremations

We will do all we can to maximise recovery of ashes from the cremation of babies and infants. However in rare instances we may not be able to recover any ashes for very small babies or infants. Alternatively, we do provide burial facilities for babies and infants, in many cases free of charge. You can find out more information by reading our 'Baby and infant cremation policy' at the bottom of this page.

What happens to any metals following cremation?

Metals used in the construction of the coffin and any metal used in medical implants are extracted. Families are asked if they would like these metals returned to them or recycled via a national metal recycling scheme which donates all monies raised to local charities. The charity for Gilroes Crematorium is Rainbows Hospice.

Contact us

Write to us: Bereavement Services, Leicester City Council, Gilroes Crematorium, Groby Road, LE3 9QG
Ring us on: 0116 454 1016
Send us a message