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Information for event organisers

As an event organiser you are responsible for the planning, organisation and operation of the event. Together with other organisations, we have produced guidance for the staging of public events.

Licences you may need

  • Street collection licence: If you will be having a charitable collection - please see our section on charitable collection licensing or alternatively ring us on 0116 454 1000
  • Street trading consent: If your event will involve street trading please contact our licensing team to apply for your licence
  • Distribution of printed material: To find out if you need to apply for a distributing free printed material permission see Distribution of free printed materials licensing
  • Music and performing rights: If your event includes music you will need to ensure you have the correct permissions. Please check the following link: PRS for Music.
  • Rival market licence: If you are planning to have five or more stalls at your event please contact the markets team

Temporary bike parks at festivals

If you are interested in having mobile bike parks for your event please email [email protected].

Register your event with the fire service

You should register your event with Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service if it meets any of the following criteria:

  • Any event with around 5000 people attending
  • Any event where overnight camping is taking place
  • Any event where fireworks or pyrotechnics are going to be used
  • If there are any large scale food outlets being used, particularly those using LPG fuel
  • Any event that has a large flow of traffic.

Purple guide lite

A new guide has been published by the Events Industry Forum to help organisers of smaller events comply with regulations and good practice. Please visit The Purple Guide website for more information.

Contact us

Ring us on: 0116 454 3600
Send us a message