Decisions, meetings and minutes

We hold several meetings where decisions are taken which affect Leicester residents. The biggest of these is full council, attended by all 54 elected councillors, and oversees some of the most important decisions we take.
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We hold planning committees to make decisions on planning applications, and licensing committees to recommend licensing policies, and hear requests for licences from taxi drivers, pubs and street traders.
We also hold community meetings for each of our wards, to allow residents to meet their councillors, police and city wardens, raise concerns and work on local projects.
The Overview Select Committee helps us develop our policies, and hold the City Mayor and his executive to account for their decisions. This is one of several scrutiny commissions we have.
Agendas and Minutes
We publish details of forthcoming meetings, and an archive of agendas and minutes from all committee meetings dating back to 2000 at Agendas for forthcoming meetings are normally published at least a week before the meeting.
You can find documents either by searching by keywords or by browsing through committees. If a document is located by searching by keywords, you have the option of downloading extracts of documents, rather than the whole file. app
You can now keep track of all of your committee meeting papers via a mobile app. offers an app which allows you to select committees of interest, and then automatically updates itself with papers and agendas. You can highlight and makes notes in-app, just as you would with a paper version.
The app is aimed at council members, but is available to anyone that wishes to have access to committee papers.
- Download app for Apple devices
- Download app for Android devices
- Download app for Windows devices
You can find out about all the major decisions made by the City Mayor and his Executive. To view them please see the 'Decisions' link at the top of this page.
Contact us
Write to us:
Governance Services
City Hall, 115 Charles Street
Send us an email: [email protected]